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01.11.2010 15:11 [Profiles] Björn Pankratz
Amadeus Weidmann | Andreas Menkhoff | André Braun | André Hotz | André Thiel | Björn Pankratz | Daniel Kozakowski | Gavin | Harald Iken | Horst Dworczak | Jennifer Pankratz | Kristoffer Lerch | Kurt Pelzer | Marc Bongers | Mario Röske | Michael Rüve | Mike Hoge | Milad Sadinam | Nuno Leiria | Paul Springfeld | Philipp Krause | Quy Hoang | Roman Keskenti | Sascha Henrichs | Stefan Kalveram | Sven Dekubanowski | Victor Karp |

Björn Pankratz

Job at Piranha Bytes?
Project director, game design, storywriter, QA

I'll become 38 this summer... that's almost 40, right?

Studies at engineering, physics and chemistry.

Jobs so far
Well, I did a lot of things. Noteworthy would probably be my 11 years as bouncer. You could say I spent my youth in a small town disco. Well, and the short time I worked as teacher until I realised that this was not the right job for me.

Worked at the following games
Gothic 1, Gothic 2, Gothic 2 Addon "Night of the Raven", Gothic 3

Favourite music?
Dark Music, EBM, Industrial, Wave and 80s music.
Back in the day, I was a zeolotic "Iron Maiden" fan. My hair went away and with it my affinity for that type of music.

Favourite games?
There are some, but my favourites are System Shock, DeusEx and Outcast.
All old stuff, I know. Well, Bioshock is quite good but the gameplay of the old System Shock just was better.

What are your strengths?
Strength is matter of the mind. With a healthy mix of ambition, determination, self discipline and endurance, you can move a lot.

What do you dislike?
"All mouth and no trousers" would describe it well, I think.

What do you like, what are your hobbies?
Jenny, computer games, RPGs, board games, composing music, playing guitar, painting, soccer, festivals, musicals, parties, Jim Beam...

What would you like to see in a game for once?
A balanced gameplay with a thrilling story and a free world in a racy steam punk third person RPG.

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?
No, ideas are plenty. To keep the fun at my work is the more difficult part.

  written by foobar