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02.02.2012 18:08 [Profiles (former)] Sebastian Lesik
Dietrich Magnus | Jann Kerntke | Jenny | Kai Rosenkranz | Marko Jelen | Mattias Filler | Ralf Marczinczik | Sebastian Lesik | Thorsten Kalka | Thorsten Kalka | Tristan Heitzinger |

Sebastian Lesik

Job at Piranha Bytes?


Media designer for picture and sound, unfinished study of engineering.

Jobs so far
Motion capture editor / supervisor, producer

Worked on the following games
Risen 2, Alan Wake, Crysis 1+2, Crysis Warhead, Dead Island, The Witcher, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Black Mirror 2, Secret Files 1+2 and many more.

Favourite music?
It changes frequently. My current playlist: The National, The Smith, The Tallest Man on Earth, Tom Waits, Regina Spektor, Amanda Palmer, She & Him, Scars on Broadway ...

Favourite game?
Day of the Tentacle, Final Fantasy VII, Secret of Monkey Island, Fifa/PES, Dungeon Master

What are your strengths?
-0.75 dioptre on the left and -0.5 dioptre on the right eye

What do you dislike?
Cold, getting up early, intolerance

What do you like, what are your hobbies?
Computer games, (animation) movies, soccer, roleplaying games, street art, music

What would you like to see in a game for once?
I was never brought to tears by a computer game. That has to change.

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?
I'm just getting started!

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