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We are happy to present you the first screenshots for RISEN, too.

As the site "teamxbox" reports, DeepSilver yesterday officially announced that the new roleplaying game from Piranha Bytes will be ported to Microsoft's games console. Release is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2009.

Furthermore, the site shows first screenshots from RISEN.

Update (12:53): The Community-Manager of DeepSilver just made clear in our forum that the release date mentioned above is pure speculation on part of teamxbox. Official release date is still: "2009".


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geschrieben von foobar

10.12.2008 11:40 1: NeoC
Das nenne ich Atmosphäre.
Die Bilder sehen richtig schön düster aus und an der Qualität ist nichts auszusetzen. Gleich ein neues Wallpaper setzen

10.12.2008 16:47 2: SlamDunk
This was certainly unexpected.

Well, hopefully Risen is being made with the PC as the main development platform...

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