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Risen Database: Recipes
Amulet of anti-magic
Amulet of strength
Amulet of the hunter
Amulet of the warrior
Amulet of the mage
Fried herring
Prospect ironore
Fish soup
Meat-stuffed bread
Meat stew
Take wings
Fried plaice
Fried meat
Prospect goldore
Strong healing potion
Strong mana potion
Shark steak
Take tusks
Healing potion
Chicken drumstick
Take horn
Create illusion
Hunter's fry-up
Small healing potion
Small mana potion
Hearty meat stew
Light spell
Destroy magic barrier
Magic protection
Destroy magic force field
Mana potion
Medium magic healing
Nautilus transformation
Novice's stew
Prospect obsidian
Sharp obsidian sword
Sharp obsidian sword
Obsidian two-handed sword
Ring of dexterity
Ring of magic
Ring of strength
Ring of strength
Ring of the fighter
Steel blank for a bastard sword
Steel blank for a obsidian bastard sword
Steel blank for an obsidian sword
Steel blank for a sword
Steel blank for an obsidian two-handed sword
Steel blank for a two-handed sword
Take rotworm claw
Sharp two-handed sword
Sharp bastard sword
Sharp sword
Shield amulet
Open locks
Ring of magic protection
Small magic healing
Conjure skeleton
Take scorpion stinger
Take stinger
Strong magic healing
Strength potion
Potion of dexterity
Potion of health
Potion of magic
Traveler's potion
Transformation into an ashbeast
Tell joke
Plaice melt
Take teeth