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Another entry in the official RISEN beastiary has been added. The skeletons are the second type of undead beings currently known in RISEN and are pictured as mindless creatures, only driven by their lust for killing.

Because skeletons existed before the dark wave, some suspect that they may be under an ancient curse which denies them eternal peace until they eventually find someone or something to free them from their undead existence.

We also recommend that you watch the video of the skeletons to the very end and don't click it away when the well-known RISEN logo shows up. There's a surprise waiting for you.

As with any beast before, Artus of Kap Dun from the Piranha Fanart Portal has created additional material about the skeletons, including wallpapers and artwork. While the site is in german, you can find the pictures on it nonetheless.


• To the skeleton entry in the RISEN beastiary
• To the additional material in the Piranha Fanart Portal
• Discussion in the forum

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