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RisenTicker: Zum Start ins Wochenende haben wir für euch noch ein kleines Video zusammengeschnitten. http://t.co/K5cTJP5A
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Today was the day when publisher Deep Silver finally revealed the title we were all waiting for. At 13:00hrs CEST the countdown on Deep Silver's teaser page came down to zero and we learned the name «Risen» for the new project by Piranha Bytes - and swiftly changed the name for our webpage and forum accordingly.

In fact, nothing much besides the title itself was revealed. The accompanying press release gives a little hint by saying: "The game’s protagonist is ship-wrecked after a storm and finds himself on a mysterious island. An active volcano dominates the scene. Ancient temple ruins recently have risen from the ground, and bizarre creatures infest the island."

We expect a trailer of about 1-2mins at the upcoming Games Convention in Leipzig later this month. Stay tuned as the developers visit our forum daily and answer questions from the community.


Official Teaser Page by Deep Silver
Deep Silver's Press Release
[German/English] Forum Discussion Thread
[English] Q&A-Thread with Piranha Bytes

geschrieben von Rashnu

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