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13.06.2008 12:52
Normalmap creation with Photoshop and Nvidia plugin - - (3/10)
Workflow Part 1:
- duplicate your diffuse textur one time with „create new document from history" in history. (fig1)
- apply the nividia filter to one of the copys for getting a detail structure normalmap. Setting: Scale=4, Alternate Conversion=Max(RGB) (fig2) (the y normal was inverted, because our game engine needs this)
- put the normalmap aside for later compositing. (Tex1)
- get the other copy and desaturate (strg+shift+u)
- apply Gaussian Blur Filter with small Radius (2-3 pix) (fig3)
- duplicate your diffuse textur one time with „create new document from history" in history.
- apply the nividia filter, set „Scale " to 15
- put the normalmap also aside for later compositing. (Tex2)
- get the other copy
- apply Gaussian Blur Filter with higher radius (4-5pix)
- duplicate this document one time with „create new document from history" in history.
- apply the nividia filter, set „Scale " to 25
- apply Gaussian Blur Filter with small Radius (1-1,5 pix) to your normalmap in order to reduce moiré-effects, that came by using the gaussian-blur with high radius. (fig4)
- put the normalmap also aside for later compositing. (Tex3)

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