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13.06.2008 12:52
Normalmap creation with Photoshop and Nvidia plugin - - (1/10)
Software: Photoshop, Nvidia Plug (Nvidia.com -> Developerzone - Photoshop Plugin)
Goal: Creation of a normalmap through a diffuse texture

Good times my fellows, when crazy bump was still in beta, and every one around the world used to create normalmaps with ease by pressing buttons and using sliders having so many settings to set....
This time is gone amigo. Crazy bump is now commercial, and the trial time of the demo will also slip through your hands like sand into the sea..

But have no fear my friend...there are still some antiquated, long bearded fossils alive, that lived through times, where no crazy bump was in development, but only a single small plugin was available, coming from those, who wanted these special textures, being processed by their graphic technologies..the Nvidia Photoshop Plugin....

Me, I was there, I saw that...and this is what I have to tell:

This is our ressource texture

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